Saturday, June 27, 2009

Daily Digest 0627

Today is Saturday, June 27, 2009: It is National Sunglasses Day. It is also National HIV testing if you don't know...go find out!
On this date: Helen Keller was born
so was Captain Kangaroo

Quote of the Day:
Samuel Butler

Roffle of the Day:
Q: Where do you find a dog with no legs?
A: Right where you left it.

Balling Video of the Day

Capcha Funnies

Misheard Lyrics
"Oh hold me now I smell potatoes"
"Oh hold me now I feel contagious"

Kidism of the day
"I'm going to invisible self myself"

Southern Massacre of the day
Instellation (insta-LAY-shun) - n. 1. pillows of fiberglass, usually pink in color and resembling cotton candy...used to keep a home cool or warm, depending on the weather.

Blast from the past:

Pic of the Day

Song of the Day

Recipe of the Day


10-12 chicken wings (2 1/2 lbs.)
1/4 to 3/4 cup hot pepper sauce
1/4 cup butter
Vegetable or peanut oil (for frying)
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 shallot, minced (optional)
1 onion, finely minced (optional)
pinch of sea salt

Fill a heavy bottomed, deep-sided frying pan with at least 1 inch of oil and heat until temperature reaches 400°F.

Split the wings at each joint and discard tips. Rinse and pat dry with paper towels.

Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, melt butter over low heat with minced garlic. (Finely minced shallots or onions may optionally be added at the same time as the garlic.) If you prefer a smoother sauce, a stick blender may be used to smooth it out and blend in the flavors of the garlic, etc. When the garlic is a golden color, stir in the hot sauce. Add a pinch of salt.

When the oil is the correct temperature carefully lower the wings into the hot oil using a slotted spoon or wire basket, and deep fry for about 12 minutes, or until wings are cooked and crispy.

Drain on paper towels. Toss with the hot sauce, coating several times to cover well.

Serving Suggestion: Serve with a side of extra hot sauce for dipping, and a bowl of Blue Cheese Dressing or Ranch dip and celery sticks.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Daily Digest

Today is Friday, June 26, 2009: It is National Chocolate Pudding Day.
On this date: Maria from Sesame Street was born
The bicycle was patented in 1819
And the first bar codes were used in 1974.
It is the official halfway mark to Christmas!!!

Quote of the Day:

Roffle of the Day:
You know you are getting old when you are in a state of permanent left turn!

Balling Video of the Day

Capcha Funnies

Misheard Lyrics
"It may not sound like lunch, but it's where i'm from"
"It may not sound like much, but it's where I'm from"

Kidism of the day
"It's all thanks to your fault!"

Southern Massacre of the day
Iubuffrin (eye-YOU-buff-ren) - n. 1. an NSAID commonly used to treat inflammation and headaches. Typically in tablet or capsule form and a rich brick red in color.

Blast from the past:

Pic of the Day
See you later dude:

Song of the Day

Recipe of the Day


6 cans tomato sauce
1 cup half and half
your choice of Italian seasonings
black pepper and sea salt
1 tbs garlic powder or four cloves
(or prepare your normal spaghetti sauce)
2 lbs ground beef and/or turkey
mozzarella cheese or other
2 cans store bought biscuits, any kind

Heat oven to the biscuit directions. In a big pot add first 5 ingredients to taste; turn to low-med. In a skillet brown meat with a little salt and pepper and Italian seasonings. Cook to your liking; preferably medium to well done. When meat is done drain grease and rinse. Add the meat to your sauce and turn off burner. Now open the cans of biscuits and roll out to good sized square preferably on a cooking sheet that you will cook them on; add about a tablespoon of meat sauce. Add a small slice of cheese to the middle. Then bring all four sides to the middle; pinching them together. If you’d like at this point, you can add a slice of cheese to the top, for optimal support. Bake as the directions on the biscuits tell you. Viola! Serve with a salad.

You can also leave out the meat and use mushrooms instead. Sprinkle the top of biscuits with garlic and Italian herbs to make it pretty.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Weary Wednesday

ordinarily i would have been celebrating just like everyone else. black, white, pink, yellow, red...whatever...a good president is a good president. but this guy SCARES me.

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set.

We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded," he said.

If you were in Germany in wwII you would cringe at the statement that a Civilian national security force should match the military in strength and financing.

"spread the wealth" honestly, yeah some of these fat cats are too rich. there is no reason on god's green earth that donald by god trump should have as much money as he does when others need help. not just here in the trailer parks...EVERYWHERE. but...socialism looks good on paper but is a miserable failure in practice. it leads to genocide, unfair government invasion of privacy, and just general public unrest. besides...think of what happens to paulie peanuts when he tries to take some of vinnie no thumbs' money? he gets a nice pair of cement shoes. the fat cats will not humbly sit around and lick their wounds while one man (albeit a powerful man) tries to give their money to some joe blow who is on permanent disability cause he broke his thumb in 1989. that's just greed. it's not a deadly sin for nothing.

government run healthcare...anyone who has sat at huey p. long for twelve hours in the waiting room with chest pains or in my case two hours in fullblown anaphylactic shock complete with airway closure...knows how well government controlled health care works. the government can't even balance its checkbook, how is it going to manage millions and millions of sick americans.

government run you get what you PAY for.
and when you don't pay anything in...don't expect a miracle out.

i do not like the state of the country. the finger-fucking george w. bush gave the american people is an atrocity. but radical changes don't happen without bloodshed. that is what scares me. not the fact that he is black...i couldn't care less. not the fact that he promises hope and's a great idea. not the fact he whooped mccain so bad he wish he never been whooped before. i knew any repub. was going to have to change water into wine to get into the white house.

it's the promise of radical change and the history behind what comes with it.

plus i don't like the comment he made about "tell me what to do and i will sell it." to george bush about the bailout. there's that evil smile. for one second, the mask came off. it what was behind it..scared me.

can't you even see where i am coming from instead of just calling me a hater?

i hope you're right. i hope Barry proves me wrong. that would be a great day. and on that day i will take my crow with mild taco sauce and a dr. pepper and toast to change.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

This video isn't for everybody.

But it's funny on so many levels. The special kid, the yelling dude, the kid at the end.

Least Effective Ad Ever -- powered by

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The guilty mother

Ok..I admit...I screwed up last night. I got the times mixed up for the various halloween festivals and events that Bret and I had sceduled for the passed week. We ended up showing up just as the festival was closing last night. Standing there while they turn the lights off in the game rooms while your five year old dressed in a Venom costume cries quietly, isn't the best way a mother can spend Halloween. Luckily some nice people offered to share their candy and I couldn't even look them in the eye to thank them cause I was trying not to cry myself.

I hate disappointing my little boy.
I hate it more than this random toothache I've got going on.
I hate it more than the fruit flies that have invaded my kitchen.
I hate it more than when his dad's family has him and I have nothing to do.
I hate it more than the prospect of Obama being my brand spanking new presidon't of the united states in two days.

So I sit here alone, scouring my blog list for something that will make me laugh...and all I feel is guilt. I know I shouldn't beat myself up over it, but he's only little once. And now that his dad and I have parted ways, I only get to see him 26 weeks out of the year. Maybe even less than that now, if I get this job.

What will I do without little greasy handprints on my windows?
What will I do without morning cuddles?
What will I do when the only thing I have to feel guilty about is sleeping in more than I should?

They say it's not so bad, growing old, letting go of the children....but what if I only have one...and he doesn't give me grandbabies?

Friday, October 31, 2008

cause this thriller

i just wanna learn the dance...that's all..

i will do this. by next your sweet ass i will.